sábado, 5 de junio de 2010

Reflexion on Taylor Mali's poem of What Teachers Make

This video of "What Teachers Make?" has definitely become one of favorites. I think that teachers and parents should watch it especially during the first week of school. It's uplifting for us teachers but a slap in the face for those who look down on our profession. Although we have a complicated job, it is worthwhile because we can eternally influence our students lifes in a positive way by helping them to use their minds and not loading them up. If anyone should have
a doubt on what we do, visit a classroom .

1 comentario:

  1. Love your comment on the video. I totally agree that the video is a slap in the face for those who criticize us teachers constantly. Only we know what we go through and only we know what we "make". I also believe that if they have any doubts they should come over and visit a classroom!!!
