domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009

Summary of the Article: Benefits and Strategies of Communicative Language Learning by Paul Overland

This article gives the advantages and strategies of communicative language learning since it is an engaging development in the field of ancient language acquisition. The outcome of numerous opportunities for creative teaching will continue to benefit teachers and students in the future.

Communicative language learning strives to bring students beyond grammatical competence where they can manipulate the language in private dialog or reach communicative competence. The advantages is that a language in private dialog resist atrophy longer than a language learned through grammatical explanation and translation exercises.

There are several strategies which influence language learning. They are: private dialog , an emmersion envirnoment and instructional songs.

Private dialog means that students manipulate a language to express their own desires or opinion. In order for learners to progress, they must move from object - regulation to other regulation and finally self regulation. Too often language teaching under estimates the importance of communicative competence, therefore skipping important steps in a students' process towards proficiency. Some techniques suggested are: Fictitious student biographies and visual aids of a comples sort

An immersion envirnment obtains when the target language also server as the language of instuction. When students find themselves surrounded by the target language with little or no dependence on a mediating mother tongue, their ability to think in the target language accelerates dramatically. Techniques for immersion are using the target language for often-repeated phrases.

Instructional songs link selected components such as alphabet, numerals and grammatical structures melody , to aid retention. The student is issued a printed list or chart, and is told that there will be a quiz over the material the following day. By poring over the list, slowly they are embeded in one's memory. It is important to remember that auditory learning is vital to enabling communicative competence. The techniques suggested here is to begin with the desired rhythm , one may develop a simple, slow, repetive melody that can carry the desird word list or phrase into the memory of students.

1 comentario:

  1. We should always try to consider all strategies we never know when we are going to find the right one. Very good!!
